Rainbow Tetra Care (Nematobrycon lacortei): Diet, Tank Requirements & Breeding

Etymology The scientific name of the Rainbow tetra as first described by Weitzman & Fink in 1971 is Nematobrycon lacortei. Appearance Rainbow tetras have quite an interesting appearance. Their bodies display multiple colors in a way that is reminiscent of a rainbow. Rainbows have a dark lateral line, which is not always very prominent. The … Read more

Congo Tetra Care: Habitat, Diet, Tank Mates & Breeding

The Congo tetra makes a beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium. Originating from Africa, they are found in the Congo River Basin where they like to in slightly acidic, densely vegetated waters. The best part of this species is its beautiful orange, silver, and light blue iridescent coloration. As bigger fish, they are responsive to … Read more

Emperor Tetra Care (Nematobrycon palmeri): Diet, Habitat & Breeding

The Emperor tetra, also known as the Nematobrycon palmeri, is popular amongst fishkeeping hobbyists. Endemic to Columbia, the Emperor is a freshwater fish that thrives in dimly-lit and densely vegetated. Typically, Emperor tetra lives between 2 to 4 years when living in adequate conditions. Appearance The appearance of Emperor tetras is quite unique. The most … Read more