The Guide to the Cobra Guppy

Platinum Cobra Guppy

The Cobra Guppy is a unique and stunning variety of guppies. With its striking coloration, pattern, and long flowing fins, the Cobra Guppy is an excellent addition to an aquarium. Behaviorally, Cobras are an active, hardy species that is relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.

This guide will provide the best care practices for caring for Cobra Guppies.

Today, guppies are ubiquitous in the hobby and are generally bred in captivity. Originally, guppies were found in South America, inhabiting tropical rivers and streams. Unfortunately, their introduction to other countries resulted in their unintended return to waterways they were not native to.

Yellow Metal Cobra Guppy

Guppies, like the Cobra Guppy, have been selectively bred for many years, leading to specimens that are distinguishable from their wild counterparts.

All guppy varieties maintain many common characteristics: they are fairly small and slim, with tails that range from stubby and round to broad and intricate. Their colors may differ significantly, as can the markings on their tails, which can feature stripes, spots, and blotches. Guppies come in very many varieties.

Male and Female Metal King Cobra Guppy

Guppies are sexually dimorphic. This means that males and females display physical differences. The males tend to be smaller and more slender with vibrant colors, whereas the females are usually bigger and less brightly colored. Additionally, the anal fins of males are narrow and pointed, while those of females are triangular.

Many believe that Guppies require next to no care. This is incorrect. Guppies can survive in basic setups but should not be neglected.

A 10-gallon tank is a minimum, although a larger 20-gallon or more would give them more room to swim. Additionally, we strongly recommend a filtration system and a heater.

When adding your guppies to an aquarium, you must consider the cycling process of the tank.

Yellow King Cobra Guppy

Guppies can adapt to a variety of aquarium setups. They appreciate natural plants but can also be kept with artificial or no plants. A combination of open areas and secure places is ideal for them. As they are lively creatures, decorations that could injure them should be avoided.

Guppies can tolerate a beginner aquarist’s occasional mistakes. That being said, the long-term goal should be to provide a stable and safe environment. As tropical fish, guppies are adapted to warm water. Ideally, the temperature should be within the range of 20°C and 26°C, or 68°F and 78°F. Higher temperatures will result in a faster metabolism in guppies. This can significantly reduce the lifespan of your fish. So while guppies can sustain higher temperatures, I like to keep them at 21°C. Below 17°C and 18°C, I find that my fish appear sluggish and inactive. At lower temperatures, your fish can experience disease over a long period. A neutral pH range is recommended, from 7.0 to 8.0. The water hardness should be between 50 mg/L and 150 mg/L. While there is some room for fluctuation, it is important to ensure that the water remains stable for the long-term health of your guppy.

Guppies are known for being easygoing and make a great addition to any community tank. But, when selecting tankmates for these fish, it’s important to consider a few things. Firstly, their temperament. Make sure to choose tankmates that have a similar temperament and are of a similar size. This size factor is especially important as larger fish may, intentionally or accidentally, eat the guppy if their mouth is large enough.

Panda Corydoras

Good tankmates for guppies:

Setting up a species-only tank with guppies can be a good choice. It’s important to remember, however, that guppies are livebearers and can produce numerous young with the ability to store sperm for multiple spawnings. Therefore, it’s essential to be aware of the potential for a guppy tank to become overcrowded.

The ideal male-to-female ratio for guppies is 2:1 to prevent the females from exhaustion and populations from growing too quickly. Males tend to obsess over their female counterparts. You’ll often see males following females, attempting to mate. Over time, this can produce exhaustion in female guppies.


Guppies are not picky eaters. As omnivores, they will consume a wide variety of foods. High-quality fish food, such as micro-pellets or flakes, should be used for optimal health. Additionally, plant- and meat-based food should be incorporated into their diet. Feeding should be done daily in moderate portions, as they should be able to finish the food in approximately five minutes. Their diet can be supplemented with live or frozen foods every week.


Guppies are one of the most reproductive fish in the hobby. Even in a tank with only female guppies, they can give birth to hundreds of babies. This is due to the female’s ability to store sperm for many months. Guppies don’t need any special environment to spawn; they will mate consistently. After mating, the female will become gravid and give birth to around 10-100 offspring. Tiny fry should be kept separate from other fish, as the bigger fish will likely eat them.

Closing Remarks

The Cobra Guppy is an attractive and hardy fish. It is easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for beginner aquarists. With the proper setup and care, guppies will thrive in an aquarium. When selecting tankmates, choosing fish with a similar temperament is important. Guppies are generally friendly and will do well with other friendly fish. Don’t forget to treat your Cobra guppies with a varied diet; they do love bloodworms. Lastly, enjoy the beauty of your Cobra Guppies!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Cobra Guppies aggressive?

No, not at all. Unlike a snake cobra, the Cobra Guppy is not aggressive. It is a peaceful and social fish that likes school and shoal with other fish.

Can Cobra guppies live with a Betta?

No, it’s very unlikely. Perhaps if the Betta is a female. But even then, that’s playing with fire. Guppies are very lively fish; this tends to annoy Betta fish.

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